
miércoles, 23 de febrero de 2011

Reed Learning joins forces with ASTD to offer accredited programmes & membership for L&D professionals

Training & development provider Reed Learning has been chosen by the American Society for Training & Development (ASTD) as the international partner to manage their membership and qualifications in the UK.
The ASTD Certification Institute's qualifications include the Certified Professional in Learning and Performance (CPLP).
A range of ASTD programmes are in the process of being mapped to the Qualifications & Credit Framework to offer a training programme for L&D professionals at QCF Level 5.
The partnership was launched in London yesterday by ASTD's president and CEO, Tony Bingham, and Reed Learning's managing director, Hugh Greenway.
Tony Bingham said: "ASTD is committed to supporting the global community of learning and HRD professionals to advance the field. We share our excitement and enthusiasm in joining Reed Learning in a new partnership focused on the UK."
Eleanor Maimane, head of faculty at Reed Learning, said: "We recognised a clear need for a membership organisation and suite of programmes to specifically cater for UK L&D professionals. We are immensely proud to be partnering with ASTD to offer greater accessibility for ASTD's membership and training programmes."
Reed Learning will be leading a delegation of UK members to the ASTD international conference in Orlando, Florida in May 2011.

External links

To find out more about Reed Learning and the American Society for Training & Development (ASTD), visit:

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